Sunday 1 September 2019


Believing in Oneself.

I have had little success in this thruout the years, & I still falter.
Yet I am making progress.

I may relapse, but that does not erase my progress.

I do know this, but I can have difficulty in Believing & convincing myself of this. To accept as the 'simple' truth.
It may not be particularly rational, & as a truth, it is far from simple.

Believe In Yourself !
Self-care is not selfish.
Self-love is not vanity, it is not narcissistic. It is essential to maintain one's mental health & well-being, which affects one's physical health.
With a deterioration in mental wellbeing, the body tends to follow suit before too much time passes.

From experience, that can be difficult to reverse.

Believe In Yourself. Because You are worth it.
Believe in Yourself. Because You deserve it.

Truth is, you will never speak to anyone as much as you will speak to yourself within the privacy of your own mind. So speak kindly to yourself. Speak to yourself as you would speak to another person in distress.
You deserve that of Yourself just as much as any other person.

A relapse does not erase whatever progress has been made to reach this point. Sometimes that step or two backwards can actually give a better idea of the path to take to progress forwards. This is not always the case, but it can happen.

It happened to me recently.
Something I have been considering for many years is becoming increasingly clear that my continued progress, my continued well-being, depends upon pursuing.
The reasons I had not done so prior to now remain just as valid, yet their importance has diminished. To me, at  least.
At last a point to this rambling, perhaps. Believing in MySelf, prioritising MySelf & knowing I am Worthy & Deserving, this broken cup that is my psyche has been repaired more that once, but the repair is holding.
Sometimes this broken cup that is my psyche still seems fragile, but the repairs are holding. Stronger than the original, unbroken cup that once I was.

I am progressing. I am beginning to believe in mySelf & the belief has taken root.
Easy it is not. But I am worth it. I deserve it. I Know that I do.
So do you.