Sunday 1 September 2019


Believing in Oneself.

I have had little success in this thruout the years, & I still falter.
Yet I am making progress.

I may relapse, but that does not erase my progress.

I do know this, but I can have difficulty in Believing & convincing myself of this. To accept as the 'simple' truth.
It may not be particularly rational, & as a truth, it is far from simple.

Believe In Yourself !
Self-care is not selfish.
Self-love is not vanity, it is not narcissistic. It is essential to maintain one's mental health & well-being, which affects one's physical health.
With a deterioration in mental wellbeing, the body tends to follow suit before too much time passes.

From experience, that can be difficult to reverse.

Believe In Yourself. Because You are worth it.
Believe in Yourself. Because You deserve it.

Truth is, you will never speak to anyone as much as you will speak to yourself within the privacy of your own mind. So speak kindly to yourself. Speak to yourself as you would speak to another person in distress.
You deserve that of Yourself just as much as any other person.

A relapse does not erase whatever progress has been made to reach this point. Sometimes that step or two backwards can actually give a better idea of the path to take to progress forwards. This is not always the case, but it can happen.

It happened to me recently.
Something I have been considering for many years is becoming increasingly clear that my continued progress, my continued well-being, depends upon pursuing.
The reasons I had not done so prior to now remain just as valid, yet their importance has diminished. To me, at  least.
At last a point to this rambling, perhaps. Believing in MySelf, prioritising MySelf & knowing I am Worthy & Deserving, this broken cup that is my psyche has been repaired more that once, but the repair is holding.
Sometimes this broken cup that is my psyche still seems fragile, but the repairs are holding. Stronger than the original, unbroken cup that once I was.

I am progressing. I am beginning to believe in mySelf & the belief has taken root.
Easy it is not. But I am worth it. I deserve it. I Know that I do.
So do you.

Friday 13 November 2015

Black Ribbon

We seem to have become obsessed with the idea of ribbons, wristbands & badges. Indicating support of some group or other, or perhaps in regard to some idea.
A visible indicator.
We are a visual creature, after all.
So much is identified by sight. We crave symbols.

But without understanding what the particular sign actually denotes, what is the point of doing so.

Ribbons, badges wristbands - whether tied to a particular period of time or not - tend to become rather meaningless or trivialised. There are so many 'ribbon' days for this, that or the other. Why is this any different?

Primarily this is intended for those of us who live with these illnesses. Have no doubts: these are illnesses. They are far more debillitating than the majority of people realise.
It is a terrible sadness that such people honestly believe that saying something along the lines of "chin up" is both positive & practical assistance. Just telling us to "cheer up" automatically makes us feel better.

We know it is not nearly that simple.
Telling somebody enduring these (& other such illnesses) only does harm. It is no stretch of the imagination to realise that if we could feel better - to cheer up - we would already have done so!

Wear a black ribbon for your own sake.
Wear a black ribbon even if it doesn't show for anyone to see.
Wear a black ribbon, not to draw attention, but to increase awareness.
Someone else may realise they are not alone, as we often feel. Something as simple as a hug can make a difference to someone unwell. Giving that hug can feel just as good, & better.
Now that is worthwhile.

Hugs for you all!

Wednesday 11 November 2015


Not for the first time i am waiting for an appointment with a therapist. A clinical psychologist, this time. Not the first time i have done so, either.
Counsellors, psychologists - surely a psychiatrist in there somewhere, i just cannot remember how many - definitely a GP or more in the mix, yet have any of them really helped? Meds have been high on the agenda, so far as Doctors are concerned, then referrals, tho not always.
Some of these 'therapists' have been well-meaning, tho rather ineffective.

But just for a change there is a little mouse of hope creeping about. Where did it sneak inside & how did it find a way in; i don't know.

I am Broken. I am Damaged. I know that.
Do i dare hold out for anything in the way of hope?
Without hope in the darkness wherein we dwell, where are we bound?
For so long all that i have been doing is the same routine: just making it thru the day. Surviving. Existing!
Where is the hope in that?
If there was any possibility of hope, it was travelling without any & perhaps finding some on the way. Or hope finding me.

While i may be trying to locate & 'glue'  all the pieces of my Self into a whole - knowing i will lose bits & pieces along the way - some shape or form approximating that once i was is the best i can expect. Or hope for.
There's that word again: hope!

Somehow it found me. Just a little. When i wasn't looking for it, let alone expecting anything of the sort, hope snuck up behind & pounced at my ankle.

Knowing i am Broken, just what is it that i can hope for? Recovery??? Not likely. I am far too Damaged. Like so many all i know i can hope for is a day where i don't continue to feel so miserable, worthless & the like. Then another day. Then another.

The hope that the sudden appearance of light at the end of the tunnel is not merely a train (my usual expectation) but light: daylight.
That is something worth hoping for.

Friday 18 September 2015


Sitting a Death Watch is never easy or pleasant. The best that can be hoped is that the person is made comfortable. It doesn't really matter if awake, they are not really there.

I am not sure which is worse for those gathered to sit the Death Watch. Semi-conscious; sort of awake, sort of not, or completely unconscious. Just how aware are they. Is it merely a reflex, or are they aware (at some level) & responding.

It can be consoling for those gathered to believe that their voice is heard, their touch is felt; their presence known by the person  lying there. At some level.

I doubt we will ever know for certain until we are in that position ourselves.

My watch was not as prolonged as i expected. For which i am thankful.

Thursday 10 September 2015

"I'm fine"

I have seen several postings in regard to world suicide prevention day. Something i have in my mind too much once again.

This is all i can say to people who ask how i am. Even if they actually had any concern as to the answer.

Why? Working on that.

At present i have failed the first 3 & am working on the fourth.
That can be read two way,  i'm working on both.
Not everyone will understand what i mean by that, but those who do are doubtless struggling with the same battle.
You have made it thru another night; you have made it thru another day: i am proud of you all.

In memory of all those who couldn't, let none condemn;. May you rest easy May peace sit lightly upon you & enfold you.

Saturday 29 August 2015


I am Broken.
I know i am Broken, i know that i am Damaged.
For as long as i can recall i have known that i am Broken, Damaged beyond repair. At least to my previous state of self. I am far too damaged for that to be possible (in any meaningful sense). Would i do so if it were?
To be whole. To be intact. To be pristine. What would that be like.
That is something i cannot even imagine. All i can remember is being broken; before i even realised that i was. These cracks & chips eroding my sense of self, they were normal, weren't they. Part of growing up.

So why didn't that seem right.
So why was it i felt there was something wrong. I tried to consider that normal. I was the same as everyone else.
Truth be told, i wasn't very convincing.
& i knew it.

Comparing myself to those about, there was something missing. Comparing myself to those around the same age, the difference was obvious.
I was damaged. I was Broken.
I had no idea as to the cause, i only knew that i was.
Not much to go on, is it.
Perhaps i really was as crazy as others around me seemed to think - & still do. There were times i even believed that, embraced it.

Realising that didn't help.
Realising that only served to cloud my sight & cause me to stumble & lose my path.

I am Broken!
I am Damaged!
I am defined by that.

Yet, knowing that, i regain a measure of control over my thoughts, my actions, my pieces of self as they slither through my fingers.

Which means i can find my feet again.

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Robin Williams has often come to mind this past month. I cannot quite explain why. Perhaps it is on account of the fact that his passing seems little remembered; one year on.
Has he passed out of memory in this time of instant gratification, when last weeks or last months fashion, fad or foible is out of date & forgotten.
In ending his own life, has his very name become anathaema. In his choosing to do so, has he now become tainted & shameful in many people's eyes.

Looking at that phrase: the funniest man, saddens me so. In giving pleasure to so many people, perhaps his way of battling his own demons, just how much did he retain for himself?

No longer can we ask of him, we can only make a guess as to just what his answer might have been.

Most likely he would have made a joke to throw people off the scent, or given a truly honest answer in such a way that it was perceived as such: a joke. After all, he was the 'world's funniest man'! How conceivable could it be that he waged such a dark & dismal battle.

Such was his success in concealing this part of himself that the tragedy was the greater once the news of his passing was released.
Perhaps that is why his passing resonates so much with me. This past fortnight in particular.
Behind the facades we show all others....

Behind our facades that we feel we are compelled to display....

Now that's the Tragedy!